1:みつを ★:2020/03/29(日) 23:08:45
【速報】マニラで炎上の羽田行きチャーター機、急患と医療従事者、医療品を運んでいた。搭乗員は米国人とカナダ人 30日2020/03/30
Plane bound for Tokyo catches fire at NAIA
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(Philstar.com) – March 29, 2020 – 9:40pm
MANILA, Philippines ― An aircraft caught on fire at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport late Sunday.The plane was reportedly an ambulance aircraft carrying medical supplies.
According to a source, Lionair RPC5880 had eight people on board: Six Filipino crew members and two passengers. The passengers were a Canadian and an American.https://twitter.com/shannoncarr_7/status/1244262011610869761?s=21
NAIA – Manila plane crash
1 flight med
1 nurse
1 doctor
3 flight crew (2 pilots, 1 crew)
1 patient
1 patient asst
Source: 【2ch】コピペ情報局