1 名前:グロリア(大阪府) [US]:2019/11/13(水) 10:19:24.24 ID:ZEsYnYvu0

South Korean authorities had culled 47,000 pigs in an attempt to halt the spread of African swine fever (ASF).
Heavy rains caused blood to flow from a border burial site into a tributary of the Imjin River.
African swine fever is highly contagious and incurable, with a near zero survival rate for infected pigs, but it is not dangerous to humans.
Local authorities dismissed concerns that the blood could cause the spread of African swine fever to other at-risk animals, saying the pigs had already been disinfected before being slaughtered.
It also said emergency steps had been taken to prevent further pollution.
【AFP=時事】アフリカ豚コレラが流行している韓国で、殺処分された大量の豚から出た血が北朝鮮との軍事境界線近くを流れる臨津江(Imjin River)に流出し、川の水が赤く染まった。
Source: 痛いニュースノ∀`
【韓国】 豚コレラ、大量殺処分の血で川が赤く染まる