8年前「ナメクジ」を食べ「広東住血線虫症」に感染 重度の四肢麻痺になったラガーマン(28歳)が死亡

1:ばーど ★:2018/11/05(月) 18:08:30.17 ID:CAP_USER9.net

Rugby player who swallowed garden slug as dare has died, 8 years after health nightmare began

Sam Ballard, seen in an earlier photo with his mother, has died. (News Corp Australia, File)

The teenager from Sydney’s upper north shore was having a laugh and some red wine with mates in the backyard, “trying to act like grown ups”.

It was 2010 and it was a night that would change his life, and the lives of everybody around him, forever.

A slug crawled across the concrete patio and, teens being teens, a dare emerged for Sam to eat it.

One of his best friends, Jimmy Galvin, later described the moment.

“We were sitting over here having a bit of a red wine appreciation night, trying to act as grown up and a slug came crawling across here,” he said.

Sam Ballard was a strapping rugby player before the devastating effects of the infection from a garden slug.


【海外発!Breaking News】ナメクジを飲み込むチャレンジで、19歳ラガーマンが四肢麻痺に(豪) 2018.03.09
誕生日会で「あるもの」を食べた19歳少年、麻痺で一生自由に動けない体に 2018-03-07


Source: 【2ch】コピペ情報局
8年前「ナメクジ」を食べ「広東住血線虫症」に感染 重度の四肢麻痺になったラガーマン(28歳)が死亡